Youth Poster Competition
The Junior, Intermediate and Senior Poster Competitions have been eliminated at the provincial level, but will continue this year at the District level. The competition was not included in the Junior Competition section of the prize book. Following is the information needed to compete:
Junior – grades 1-4, Intermediate – grades 5-8, Senior – grades 9-12
Rules: All entries must be original hand-drawn design. Because it is promoting our fair, the name and date of the fair must be clearly shown on the poster. Poster size minimum 22cm x 28cm and maximum size 28cm x 44cm without borders. Each entry must be entered on cardstock or bristol board with a 5.5cm boarder on all four sides. Clearly label Paisley Fall Fair, District #10, owner of poster and compete mailing address on back of your entry. Winning poster from each class will be eligible to enter the District #10 competition.
Prize Money: 1st $10.00, 2nd $8.00, 3rd $7.00