Exhibiting Homecrafts

in the Palace

All About Homecrafts, Flowers, Horticulture, Baking, Preserves and Field Crops

How to Exhibit in General

The goal of exhibiting is to have fun, learn from those you compete against, and ultimately become better and better each year.

In order to exhibit at the Paisley Fall Fair, you must become a member of the Paisley Paisley Fall Fair HomecraftsAgricultural Society. Membership costs $10.00 and in becoming a member you are entitled to vote a the Annual General Meeting in January, receive a membership number specific to you for one year, are eligible to exhibit, and receive one free admission into the fair, on fair day.   To obtain a membership number, you can call Secretary-Treasurer Berni MacKinnon or the Database & Website manager, Gail Fullerton @ Paisley freshmart. 

Once you have decided to exhibit, you should pick up a copy of the annual Exhibitor Prize Book which lists all of the competitions available to enter.  At the beginning of each section, there are a brief list of rules specific to that type of competition. It is highly recommended that you also read the Agricultural Society Rule & Regulations (see tab on this page also).  

All exhibits must be brought to the Palace.  The Palace will be open to accept exhibits Friday 1:00-8:30pm AND Saturday 8am to 12noon.  This hopeful spreads out our exhibitors arriving at the Palace and less people at one time.

The judging of exhibits takes place on Saturday of the fair weekend, from noon to 5pm. 

You are required to have completed an Entry Form, which is located in the middle of your Exhibitor Prize Book.  You will need to list all of the exhibits you are leaving for judging, plus your name, address and exhibitor number completed on the form.  This form is given to the Secretary-Treasurer, who will be sitting at a table in the Palace, waiting for you.    

You are also required to put an Entry Tag on each entry that you are entering into competition. Entry Tags can be picked up at Paisley freshmart during the month of August, and right up until fair day.  The tag needs to be completed with the class and section numbers, plus your name & address again.  

So the best and most efficient scenario of exhibiting is to have paid your membership, obtained an Exhibitor Number, prepared all your exhibits on Friday, attached a completed Entry Tag to each exhibit, and completed the Entry Form. Bring all of that to the Palace either Friday afternoon or evening or, Saturday morning. Leave the entry form with the Secretary-Treasurer, and place your entries in the proper place, as indicated on the tables. Committee chairpeople will be available to help you find the exact place for your entry to be placed.  

All entries will be judged and recorded on Saturday afternoon.  On Sunday the Palace will open at 9am for viewing of the judged items. This is an exciting time, as everyone locates their various exhibits and discovers how their entries were judged against other entries.  All entries must stay on display until exactly 4:30pm when everyone removes them to take home. This is a bit of mass confusion for about 15 minutes, but it is imperative that everything be removed at this time, for set up of the BBQ Beef Supper to take place at 5:15pm in the Palace.

Exhibitor entries are awarded money or prizes and added up to create a cheque, which is distributed by the end of September. For those who win over $20.00 in prize money, $10.00 will be retained and applied as the following years membership number and you are now automatically a member for the following year. In May of the following year, a prize book and your new Exhibitor Number will be mailed or given to you, in hopes that you will again exhibit the following year.

We hope that you find this helpful.  Feel free to ask questions.   Exhibiting can be a lot of fun!!

New to Exhibiting? We are happy to Help!

If you are new to exhibiting at the fair and would like some advice or assistance, please call the committee chairperson or the Fair Secretary.

We would be pleased to help you. It really is easy and fun!!