Beef & Dairy Cattle Schedules
- Paisley 4-H Beef Club
- 4-H Invitational Beef Show
- Open Beef Show
- 4-H Invitational Dairy Show
- Open Dairy Heifer Show
- Novice Member (under 9 years old)
- Junior or First Year Member (9-12 year old)
- Intermediate Member (13-16 years old)
- Senior Member (17-21 years old)
- Overall Champion Showperson
- Heifer Calf
- Junior Yearling Heifer
- Senior Yearling Heifer
- Market Heifer or Steer
- Champion Heifer
- Overall Champion Animal

Class 9: Novice Beef Participant Show
Open to kids 8 years and under, not in 4-H; No entry fee required; parents must sign insurance waiver
- Beef Showmanship
- Beef Conformation
Prizes: All participants receive $5.00 for each class
Class 10: Beef Showmanship
- Novice (9-10 years)
- Junior (11-13 years)
- Intermediate (14-16 years)
- Senior (17-21 years)
- Champion Showperson (rosette)
- Reserve Champion Showperson (rosette)
- Overall Grand Champion
- Overall Reserved Grand Champion
The Overall Grand and Reserved Grand Champion class will be held at the completion of the Beef & Dairy Showmanship (rosettes only)
Prizes: 1st: $35.00, 2nd $30.00, 3rd $25.00, 4th $20.00, 5th $15.00, 6th $15.00, remainder $10.00
Prizes donated by Paisley Veterinary Services
Beef Conformation
9. Heifers, born after Jan. 1, 2019
10. Junior Yearling Heifer, born Apr. 1-Dec. 31, 2018
11. Senior Yearling Heifer, born Jan. 1- Mar. 31, 2018
12. Market Animal
13. Champion 4-H Calf (rosette only)
14. Reserve Champion 4-H Calf (rosette only)
Prizes: 1st: $35.00, 2nd $30.00, 3rd $25.00, 4th $20.00, 5th $15.00, 6th $15.00, remainder $10.00
Class 11: Herdsman Competition ~ Open to Dairy & Beef Clubs
- Club tie area identified
- Area kept neat & tidy
- 4-H exhibit sign used
- 4-H member on duty
- Hospitality
Prizes: 1st $75.00, 2nd $50.00, 3rd $25.00 if worthy
Must register for this class and prize money will be mailed to the clubs.
Class 6
1. Market Steer Class
2. Market Heifer Class
3. Commercial Breeding Heifer
Prizes: 1st $25.00, 2nd $20.00, 3rd $15.00, remainder $10
Class 7 British Breeds ~ Hereford, Angus, Shorthorn
Class 8 Exotics ~ Charolais, Limo, Maine, Simmental
1. Bull Calf—born on or after Jan. 1, 2019
2. Bull Yearling—born Apr. 1 to Dec. 31, 2018
3. Bull Yearling—born Jan. 1 to Mar. 31, 2018
4. Bull—2 Years Old—born Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2017
5. Grand Champion Bull and Reserve—rosettes only
6. Female Calf—born in 2019
7. Heifer Yearling—born Apr. 1 to Dec. 31, 2018
8. Heifer Yearling Senior -born Jan. 1 to Feb 28, 2018
9. Heifer Yearling Senior -born Mar. 1 to Mar. 31, 2018
10. Female -born Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2017 with her own 2019 natural purebred tattooed calf at foot. Female and calf shall be shown as a unit except if the calf is eligible to be shown as a single animal in Breeder’s Herd.
11. Female -born prior to Jan. 1, 2017 with her own 2019 natural purebred tattooed calf at foot.
12. Grand Champion and Reserve Females; rosettes only
13. Breeder’s Herd- a group of 4 animals bred by exhibitor; both sexes represented; must be exhibited in previous classes; at least one animal must be owned by exhibitor.
14. Get of Sire—a group of 3 animals from the same sire; both sexes represented; at least one animal owned by the exhibitor; animals must be shown in previous classes. Limited to one exhibit per exhibitor.
15. Produce of Dam—any two animals (male or female) from same dam.
Prizes: 1st $50.00, 2nd $45.00, 3rd $40.00, 4th $35.00, 5th $30.00, remainder $10.00
- Junior (11-13 years)
- Intermediate (14-16 years)
- Senior (17-21 years)
- Champion Showperson (rosette)
- Reserve Champion Showperson (rosette)
Overall Grand Champion
Overall Reserved Grand Champion
The Overall Grand and Reserved Grand Champion class will be held at the completion of the Beef & Dairy Showmanship (rosettes only)
Prizes: 1st: $35.00, 2nd $30.00, 3rd $25.00, 4th $20.00, 5th $15.00, 6th $15.00, remainder $10.00
Beef Conformation
6. Junior Heifer, born Mar1 – May 31, 2019
7. Intermediate Heifer, born Dec. 1, 2018- Feb. 29, 2019
8. Senior Heifer, born Sept. 1-Nov. 30, 2018
9. Summer Yearling, born June 1, Aug. 31, 2018
10. Junior Yearling, born Mar. 1, May 31, 2018
11. Champion Heifer (rosette only)
12. Group of 3 Heifers, from the same club
Prizes: 1st: $35.00, 2nd $30.00, 3rd $25.00, 4th $20.00, 5th $15.00, remainder $10.00
Novice Dairy Participant Show
Open to kids 8 years and under, not in 4-H; No entry fee required; parents must sign insurance waiver
- Beef Conformation
- Beef Showmanship
Prizes: All participants receive $10.00 for each class
Adult Showmanship
A parent and/or grandparent shows child’s 4-H project
Costume Class
Open to all 4-H and Novice participants; calf and showman must be in costume. Theme: Blue Jeans and Country Dreams! Have fun!!
- Junior Heifer – March 1- May 31, 2019
- Intermediate Heifer – Dec. 1, 2018 – Feb. 29, 2019
- Senior Heifer – Sept. 1 – Nov. 30, 2018
- Summer Yearling – June 1 – Aug. 31, 2018
- Junior Yearling – Mar. 1- May 31, 2018
- Champion Heifer
- Group of 3 Heifers, from the same herd
Prizes: 1st $25.00, 2nd $20.00, 3rd $15.00, remainder $10.00